Booklet Launch – The Story of the Spar: An Oral History of the Hazel Pearl

The Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Champney’s West Heritage Group Inc. invite you to the official public launch of our new booklet:
The Story of the Spar: An Oral History of the Hazel Pearl


Tuesday, November 15th, 2016
3:00 pm
Free Admission
Ella Freeman Heritage House, Champney’s West, Bonavista Peninsula

“The Story of the Spar: An Oral History of the Hazel Pearl” is the second booklet in the Collective Memories Series produced by the Heritage Foundation. This booklet focuses on the history of the Hazel Pearl and the memories of several community members about the wreck of the boat and the rescue of the spar.

“We saw the Hazel Pearl coming in around, coming in here on their full sail, fully rigged,” recalls Ben Hiscock. “She come on in and she hit the hard ice and and he holed her up, holed her upward and the water started pouring in.”

Hiscock was one of several residents of Champney’s West who was interviewed as part of the oral history project completed by the Foundation. The booklet which developed out of the interviews was edited by Heather Elliott with research conducted by Terra Barrett and Sarah Hannon.

“The booklet focuses on the story surrounding the shipwreck of the Hazel Pearl and the spar (a mast off the boat) which was retrieved by local fisherman Wayne Freeman and is displayed outside the Heritage House,” says Barrett, a researcher with the Intangible Cultural Heritage office of the Heritage Foundation of NL. “The booklet contains transcribed excerpts and portraits of community members, background research, memories of the wreck as well as a detailed drawing of the spar.”

The Hazel Pearl booklet is part of the foundation’s Collective Memories Project. This project is an initiative of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Office of the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador, with funding provided by the Department of Children, Seniors, and Social Development. The Collective Memories Project invites seniors to record their stories and memories for sharing.

The booklet launch is open to the public and will include tea and light refreshments. There will be printed copies of the booklet available at the launch and a PDF version will be placed online.

For more information please go to, call Terra Barrett at 1-888-739-1892 ext. 5 or email [email protected]